Somewhere to share

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More dogsledding and an update

Here it is... we are headed down... at the end you can see the moon over the hill. I will try to get more next time... it was obviously getting late and my hand kept freezing... pics to come soon on more pics of David as well. Boy is he crawling now... standing up with support on tables and chairs and even walking while holding on to things. What a great boy he is... he even has a sense of humor! He will pretend to hand you something, all the while laughing as he knows he isn't going to give it to you... another fave is having me kiss a toy... he also loves to hug toys and people and will even say "awwwwwwwww" while he does it now... such a sweetie! He knows dog and cat... it sounds like "dada" and "dat"... he does say "DaDa" for daddy and I am "da", go figure! He eats all sorts of foods now and even tries to ask what things are as well as trying to say them back to us. Anyone who wants to visit is welcome as we have the futon in the office for guests. We would love for you all to have a chance to meet him as he is now becoming more aware of things and even more fun to be around. He has 5 teeth now... wears 18 to 24 month (or 2T) clothes... #5 Luvs and is 10 1/2 months old... he weighs around 22 lbs (last doctor visit) and is 29 1/2 inches long... soon it will be tall as he stands up... at 1 year I plan to start marking his height on a door or wall.
Anyway.... I better get to bed, I work tomorrow morning, only 5 hours (a half day!), but after two 13 hour days I am done!
A big thanks to Charlie as he spent the last two days catching up on chores and organizing the office for us and our new cat Roo... boy is it sooooooo much better!
Love to all.


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